A gentle introduction to magnetism: units, fields,theory, and experimen ( Practice Magnetism )

 development: the greater access to SQUID magnetometers with user-friendly software;

increased collaborations between synthetic and physical chemistry groups; increased
collaborations between chemists and physicists; and the greater ability to form international
collaborations. However, as is frequently the case, many of these scientists are not simply
new to collecting magnetic data; they are also new to the eld of magnetism and especially
to understanding the inuence of magnetic interactions. Using a room temperature magnetic
moment to determine whether an isolated ion is high spin or low spin can be a straightfor-
ward matter, but the presence of interactions frequently leads to complex temperature- and
eld-dependent data. The interpretation of such data is much more challenging to those
without sufcient experience.
This increase in reported magnetic data and magnetic behavior in materials extends
beyond the researchers themselves. As more chemists report magnetic data, it becomes
incumbent upon referees and readers to also be more familiar with routine interpretation of
temperature- and eld-dependent magnetic data. This can be especially confusing to the
novice when the literature is taken into account. Historically, different systems of units have
been used for reporting magnetic data, and converting between them is not trivial. Even the
question of the simplest form of the magnetic exchange Hamiltonian can be a daunting task
given the variety of forms used. Is there a factor of two incorporated or not? What is the
meaning of the sign of J?
We present here a Primer to interpreting magnetic datathat is intended as an introduc-
tion for those new to the eld, whether new students or senior scientists, and we hope it
will serve as a stepping-stone to the more in-depth and specic reviews that are already
available in the literature. Please note that there is nothing original in this document;
everything presented here is standard magnetism as described in a long series of books,
monographs, and review articles [112].
1.1. Magnetic elds and units in the SI system
The International System of Units [13] (SI for the French name Système International
dunités) is the modern form of the metric system, founded upon seven base units.
For magnetism, it is only necessary to use four of them: meters, kilograms, seconds,
and amperes (MKSA). All other units can be derived from these units plus fundamen-
tal equations of science. For instance, the metric unit for electric charge, the Coulomb
(C), is dened to be the charge transferred by a current of one ampere (A) in one sec-
The SI system is universally used in education and employs the mechanical and electrical
units with which we are all familiar: joules, watts, newtons, volts, ohms, farads, etc. The
units of magnetism are less familiar but can all be readily derived, as we shall see in the fol-
lowing paragraphs. Unfortunately, much of the research in magnetism is still reported in the
older cgs (centimeters, grams, seconds) system of units and converting from one system to
the other is an endless source of confusion. Following this introduction to SI magnetism,
cgs magnetism will be discussed, along with the appropriate conversion factors, in
Section 1.2.
We begin with the most important eld, B, which can be dened in terms of the force on
a moving charge through the equation F=qv×B, where the respective units are Newtons
(N) for force, Coulombs (C) for charge, m s
for velocity, and Tesla (T) for B. One tesla is
thus equivalent to one N A
, where the current is expressed in amps. The name of the
2C.P. Landee and M.M. Turnbull
B-eld is the magnetic ux density
, because it equals the number of magnetic ux lines (in
units of Webers (Wb)) passing through an area of one square meter: 1T = 1 Wb m
The B-eld is related to the two other magnetic elds, Hand M, by equation (1), in
which the proportionality constant μ
is named the permeability of free space and has a
value of exactly 4π×10
The H-eld, named the magnetic eld, arises from electrical currents passing through
wires. (The eld created by current in a solenoid is the H-eld.) The magnitude of the
magnetic eld at a distance rfrom a long straight wire carrying a current Iis given by the
Consequently the units for the H-eld are amperes per meter, A m
. As shown later, one
is a very small eld. It is also clear from equation (1) that Mand Hmust have the
same unit, A m
. It is essential to realize that the magnetization appearing in equation (1)
is the magnetization per unit volume, and not the more common magnetization per mole
used in experimental work.
The volume magnetization Mequals the vector sum of all the magnetic moments per
cubic meter. Magnetic moments
arise from circulating currents (whether quantum or free
currents) and are equal to the product of the current in the loop times the area of the loop;
moments have units of amp-meter
(A m
). The moment is normal to the plane of the loop
and in the direction such that the H-eld generated by the current passes through the loop
according to the right-hand rule.
=unit volume (3)
The units of the volume magnetization are A m
per cubic meter, or A m
, the same as
that of the magnetic eld H.
Scientists rarely know the volumes of their samples, but they can measure the masses.
For this reason, the magnetization per unit mass M
is more useful. It is obtained from the
volume magnetization by dividing Mby the samples density expressed in the SI units of
density, kilograms per cubic meter, equation (4).
qðkg m3Þ(4)
One can then obtain the magnetization per mole M
by multiplying the mass
magnetization by the formula weight (FW), equation (5).
2kg1ÞFWðkg mol1Þ(5)
The B-eld is also known as the magnetic induction.
This topic is addressed more completely in Section 2.
Review: magnetism 3
The magnetic susceptibility vis usually the rst quantity measured for a new compound.
The volume susceptibility is dened as the ratio of the samplesvolume magnetization to
the applied H-eld, in the limit of a vanishingly small eld, equation (6):
vvolðdimensionlessÞ¼ lim
The volume susceptibility is dimensionless because the units of the volume magnetization
and the magnetic eld are the same, equation (1). Nevertheless, in the laboratory, we mea-
sure the magnetization per unit of mass, and calculate the magnetization per mole, so the
corresponding mass and molar susceptibilities are dened as follows:
vkgðm3kg1Þ¼ lim
vmolðm3mol1Þ¼ lim
The units for the mass and molar susceptibilities are those of the inverse density and the
molar volume, respectively.
This section concludes with the important connection between SI magnetic units and
energy. In a B-eld, a magnetic moment experiences a torque that tends to align the
moment parallel to the eld. The energy Urequired to rotate the moment away from the
eld direction is given as
U¼lBðthe Zeeman equationÞ(8)
with the minimum energy conguration occurring when the moment and eld are parallel.
As seen from the units of this equation, the SI unit of moment μ(A m
) is also equal to the
ratio of energy to eld, one joule per tesla: 1 A m
1.2. Magnetic elds and units in the CGS system
The SI is the legal system, but legality is not science. Indeed, this system is particularly
inappropriate in molecular magnetism and, like most researchers involved in this eld, we
prefer to use the cgs-emu system. Olivier Kahn [1]
People studied magnetism long before the advent of the SI system and they created unit
systems to suit their own purposes, usually to make a set of fundamental equations as
simple as possible. Length, mass, and time were always in units of centimeters, grams, and
seconds so these unit systems became known as cgs systems. However, multiple cgs
systems were created, each one for the study of one particular branch of physics.
As an example, in the study of electrostatics, the fundamental unit of charge was dened
such that two identical charges, separated by one centimeter, exerted mutual forces of one
dyne (1 g cm s
N). In the cgs-electrostatic unit system (cgs-esu), Coulombs Law
has the simple form
Coulombs Law ðcgs esu): F¼q1q2
4C.P. Landee and M.M. Turnbull
The charge thus dened is the esu unit of charge, the statcoulomb (1 sC = 3.33 × 10
One statampere is the ow of one statcoulomb per second and equals 3.33 × 10
In contrast, for the study of magnetism, the cgs-electromagnetic system was created
(cgs-emu) based on the denition of one unit of magnetic moment such that two equal
moments separated by one centimeter repel each other with a force equal to one dyne.
Given that the magnetic moment is equal to the product of a current times an area, this
denition of moment denes the cgs-emu current, known as the absolute current or abamp
(1 abA = 10 A) which is different from the stat-amp. Ultimately, the Gaussian system of cgs
units evolved which uses esu units for charges and emu units for magnetic elds and
moments. For the study of magnetism in this Tutorial, the Gaussian and cgs-emu units are
identical. The relationships between the Gaussian and MKSA units are given in Appendix
A. Additional sources for studying this confusing topic are available [14].
In the cgs-emu system, B,H, and Mare related as shown in equation (10). The units of
Band Hare equivalent but are given different names to help identify the eld under discus-
sion. The unit of the B-eld is the gauss (G, 1 G = 10
T) and those of the H-eld are
oersteds (Oe, 1 Oe = 10
= 79.6 A m
). The volume magnetization consists of the
vector sum of individual magnetic moments per unit volume, equation (3), and is often said
to have units of emu/cm
. This is unfortunate nomenclature for it leads people to believe
that the emu is the cgs-emu unit of magnetic moment; it is not! This use of emu simply
means that the magnetization is given in the emu system, with the cm
identifying the mag-
netization as the volume magnetization. Likewise, the mass and molar magnetizations in
cgs units are commonly written as emu g
and emu mol
, respectively (see Appendix A).
If not the emu, what is the cgs unit of magnetic moment? It is identied from equation (8),
the Zeeman equation, for the energy (in ergs) of a moment in an applied eld (in G). The cgs
moment has units of ergs G
and is smaller than the SI unit of moment, the A m
, by exactly
Do we get the same numerical result when we compare denitions of moments (as a
product of currents times area) from the cgs and SI systems? Does 1 A cm
Clearly not, because 1 m
. The inequality arises because the cgs-emu unit of cur-
rent is not the ampere, but the abampere, equal to 10 amperes. This example reveals a
severe disadvantage of the Gaussian system; its units for electrical variables (charge, cur-
rent, voltage, and resistance) are all different from the SI units in everyday use.
The cgs volume magnetization therefore has units of erg G
, usually expressed as
emu cm
. From equation (10), we see that volume magnetization also has the units of
oersteds, so 1 Oe = 1 erg G
= 1 emu cm
. However, it is also seen in equation (10)
that 4πMhas the unit of gauss! In the cgs system, both the free currents in wires and the
bound currents in magnetized matter produce magnetic ux lines but the free currents are
weighted more heavily. This difference does not occur in the SI system, equation (1).
For low elds, and in the absence of any permanent moments or hysteresis, the magneti-
zation is proportional to the H-eld, M¼vH, equation (6), with the proportionality
constant vdened as the magnetic susceptibility. The ratio of M/His dimensionless so
1 emu/cm
= 1 Oe = 1 G. Under these conditions, equation (10) can be written as
B¼ð1þ4pvvol ÞH¼lH(12)
where the ratio of B/H is dened as the magnetic permeability μ. Since Band Hhave equal
units, both the permeability and volume susceptibility are dimensionless.
As described in Section 1.1, for experimental work, it is convenient to work with the
mass and molar magnetizations. These are calculated by the same procedure used
previously, with the following results:
Mgðemu g1Þ¼Mðemu cm3Þ=qðgcm
Mgðemu mol1Þ¼Mgðemu g1ÞFWðg mol1Þ(13b)
The mass and molar susceptibilities are dened in terms of the M
and M
as before.
vgðcm3g1Þ¼ lim
vmolðcm3mol1Þ¼ lim
The units for the mass and molar susceptibilities are once again those of inverse density
and molar volume, respectively, just as found for the equivalent SI susceptibilities in
equation (7).
We conclude this section by evaluating the conversion factors between the cgs and SI
susceptibilities. In addition to powers of 10 that arise from converting base units (1 cm
), a factor of 4πappears, due to the existence of 4πin equation (10)
and its absence in equation (1). For this reason, a cgs molar susceptibility in units of cm
equals 4π×10
times the SI molar susceptibility, equation (14). See Appendix A.
vmolðcm3mol1Þ¼4p106vmol ðm3mol1Þ(15)
We have just dened the susceptibilities in the two unit systems, and learned how to con-
vert from one system to the other. However, we are not done. As shown in Section 2, appli-
cation of a magnetic eld to a magnetic material will induce a moment that is determined
by the B-eld, not the H-eld. When calculating the susceptibility, the ratio B/Hwill appear.
This ratio is dimensionless in cgs-emu system [equation (10)], but B/Hhas the units of
(T m A
) in the SI system, equation (1), so the conversion of susceptibility units is more
complex than shown in Appendix A.
2. Paramagnetism magnetization and susceptibility of a mole of independent spins
In this section, we begin the study of magnetism itself. The connection between angular
momentum and magnetic moments is reviewed in Section 2.1, both for classical currents
and at the quantum level. Section 2.2 explores the effects of temperature and eld upon a
collection of non-interacting moments; the case of S= 1/2 is worked out in detail. It is seen
that the net magnetization is due to a competition between the aligning effect of the B-eld
6C.P. Landee and M.M. Turnbull


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